Thursday, December 31, 2009


I just came across the Zero Carb concept.

see: this site:

the basics are simple:

drink water, eat meat and fat until full.

combine with high intensity muscle building exercise

I will discuss the science/biology of this in later posts.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


It's the one year anniversary of my resumption of going on the paleo diet. By May 2009 I had lost almost 30 lb. fealt great and went down 2 pants sizes. Unfortunately, a hernia operation and elbow tendinitis gave me the excuse to stray off the diet completely. Now I'm back to 220 lb., and back to 36 waist size pants that are feeling extremely tight. My office is starting the Biggest Loser weight loss contest. Here I go again!

The rules: avoid the 7 deadly sins of obesity

The 6 deadly food sins:
1. Grains (all grass seeds including corn) white or brown
2. Refined Sugars
3. Legumes
4. Dairy
5. Potatoes (white, Yams, sweet Potato)
6. Processed foods
7. Not exercising (especially weight bearing exercise or muscle building exercise)